Energy-Sapped Britons

  •  82% of Britons don’t get enough sleep each night, with 42% having to set multiple alarms toensure they get up for work
  • Three fifths regularly feel tired at work; 26% struggle to stay awake, 6% have actually had anap in the workplace
  • Those in healthcare, retail and marketing & advertising the most likely to suffer
  • Eight cups of coffee and sugary snacks are the key to getting through the shift. This is something we found when we undertook the research to determine how Britons look after themselves and how their lifestyles may affect their day- to-day lives. Surveying almost 2,400 Britons aged 18+ in full time employment, the results found that three fifths of Britons regularly feel tired in the workplace, with one in four struggling to stay awake. When initially asked if they felt they got enough sleep each night, as many as four fifths (82%) don’t feel like they do. Of those, 76% find it hard to get out of bed in the morning, 42% regularly sleep through alarms and have multiple set because of this.More concerning however was the revelation that 61% of Britons regularly feel tired at work, whether they’ve had a good night’s sleep or not, and 26% of all Britons admit they struggle to stay awake at work, turning to caffeine (81%) and sugary snacks (67%) to keep them going. The average tired Briton admits to sipping eight cups of coffee or three large cans of energy drink each day to get them through their shift. The most energy-sapped industries were found to be:
  1. Healthcare – 16%
  2. Retail – 15%
  3. Marketing and advertising – 14%
  4. Construction – 10%
  5. Education – 7%

While just 6% admit that they have, at one point or another, had to have a nap at the workplace, 31% revealed that they have made a mistake in the workplace, which they blamed on tiredness, that was serious enough to be pulled aside and spoken to by management.

While not going to bed late enough was cited as the most common reason that Britons feel they don’t get enough sleep (34%), other common reasons were found to be ‘having children that don’t sleep through the night’ (21%) and ‘working multiple jobs/back-to-back shifts to make ends meet’ (17%).

While we’re all guilty of going to bed late and not allowing enough time for a decent night’s sleep, there are many other outside factors that come into play. Ultimately, it’s good for you to get a good night’s sleep; not only do you feel more alert and awake, but your health will thank you too.

About Benjamin Shipman

Benjamin has spent the past 20 years working with brand development and management across a broad selection of industries, from tech to fashion. He now owns brands in different industries, including hair care and wellbeing. Brother of the GO2 founder, and self-proclaimed GO2 'addict' he is excited to work hands-on with his brother and the team, bringing the GO2 brand to life.

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